
North Board defends spectator access to Minor games

The North Tipp PRO is happy with the way Minor hurling games are being run despite apparently not complying with guidelines.

It appears as if there was no limit on crowd size, money was taken at the gate and a lack of compliance with contact tracing requirements.

Speaking to Ronan Quirke on last nights Extra Time here on Tipp FM John Delaney said the seven minor games the North Board had last weekend were well run.

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“I as PRO for North Tipperary sent out via social media a clear instruction to all the supporters that if they wanted to go to the game – don’t go if you have symptoms, don’t go if you’re high risk and download the Covid app.”

“You know at the end of the day the responsibility remains with the supporters themselves. But I’m confident that the North Board in particular we conducted and we ran our games last week in a very managed fashion and we intend to do the same this Wednesday night and let’s hope we’re in this for the short haul.”
