
Warning from Fire Service about dangers of illegal bonfires

Tipperary Fire Service says they hope the lack of official events this Halloween doesn’t tempt people to attend illegal bonfires.

You’re being urged to celebrate the occasion safely within your own home this year.

Speaking to Tipp FM News, Tipperary Assistant Chief Fire Officer, Carol Kennedy said bonfires and fireworks can be extremely dangerous.

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“People may be tempted this year to attend unofficial or unlicensed bonfire events.”

“We’d ask you obviously not to do that – first of all we don’t know what’s actually in those bonfires. There could be dangerous substances – there could be oil, petrol, diesel, spray cans – any of those kind of things that when they get very hot can really act as missiles and fire out into people watching.”

“So we’d ask you not to attend those kind of events this year.”
