
Tipperary Gardaí urging people to abide by drink-driving regulations with checkpoints in place

Even though pubs are closed due to Covid-19 restrictions Tipperary Gardaí say they will still be conducting checkpoints for drink driving over the current holiday period.

In the region of 300 drivers have been detected driving while over the limit in the county already this year while more than 80 have broken the drug-driving laws.

Inspector James White says checkpoints will be carried out throughout the day and those falling foul of drink driving regulations will be facing a court appearance:

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“We’re a 24/7 service. There will be checkpoints in the mornings and people will be undergoing breath tests in the mornings. If you fail that breath-test, then you will be arrested.

“Now, the breath-test at the roadside will indicate the presence of alcohol and that’s enough for us to form the opinion to arrest you and then at the Garda station they undergo the procedure, either by breath, providing blood, or by urine, and that will determine the concentration. If the concentration is over the legal limit, then you will be prosecuted.”
