
Tipperary Gardaí appealing to young people to abide by social distancing rules

The message still isn’t getting through to teenagers across Tipperary about the need to stop meeting with friends during the Covid-19 outbreak.

Gardai have had to disperse groups of young people on numerous occasions in recent days despite the social distancing guidelines.

People can no longer meet outdoors in groups of more than four.

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However, Garda Eamon O’Keefe from the Clonmel District says they are still having to deal with such instances:

“We’ve received a few reports of large groups still gathering and loitering in areas. We have been proactive in trying to disperse them and trying to get the message across.

“There’s a lot of younger people and they don’t see the danger. It’s important to get out there and explain to them the importance of social distancing and why we need to do it.

“We’re going to busy in the next few months trying to assist the vulnerable and the elderly people and if we can have the assistance of the younger generation, it can make our lives a little bit easier and we can help the people who need it the most.”
