
Tipp Live Reg figures continue to fall

The number of people on the Live Register in Tipperary has more than halved in the last decade.

Latest figures from the Central Statistics Office show there were just over 7,100 people signing on in the Premier County last month.

In November of 2009 there were 14,675 people signing on the Live Register across Tipperary’s nine social welfare offices.

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That figure fell to 7,127 by the end of last month – a reduction of 51%.

The November total is a decrease of 193 on October with Clonmel the only centre to record an increase albeit of just 1.

3,376 of those on the Live Register were in North Tipperary with South Tipp accounting for 3,751.

The figures include those registered for Jobseekers Benefit or Jobseekers Allowance.
