
Thurles people rally round appeal for face masks

Over 2,000 face masks have so far been donated as part of a Thurles-based appeal to support the people of Tanzania.

Local priest, Fr Martin Majera returns home to visit family in Tanzania tomorrow and locals have rallied to collect the masks for a country which has a shortfall.

Tommy Barrett is one of the organisers of the appeal, and says it’ll be kept open for the entire month of September.

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“If people do have face masks they can be left into boxes at Stakelum’s Office Supplies and also in Thurles Parish Centre.”

“Some of the pharmacies in Thurles have come on board and have donated thermometers that will be sent out to Tanzania.”

“So really we’re encouraging people to donate a face-mask – we’re just asking that they be in sealed packaging. They can be the reusable ones of the disposable one.”
