
Theft of catalytic converters from cars is on the increase in Tipperary

The theft of catalytic converters from cars is on the increase in Tipperary.

Gardaí have seen an increase in the number of incidents reported to them over the last month with thefts recorded in the Nenagh, Thurles and Tipp Town areas.

Thieves are removing the converters from cars to cash in on the rising value of precious metals contained in them.

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Inspector James White of Thurles Garda station is urging people to contact them if they notice anything suspicious:

“You’re unaware until you get into your car the following morning.

“So, I would ask people to be extra vigilant.

“If you see someone acting suspiciously in the vicinity of a car or a car park or your neighbours car, don’t wait to say ‘oh look, they’re gone in five minutes’, ring us.

“If you happen to have gotten the reg of the car that they are in, great, but ring us immediately and let us be the judges if that person is acting suspiciously.”
