
Special vaccination clinic for people in the Midwest awaiting second Astra Zeneca jab.

People in the Midwest waiting for their second Astra Zeneca Covid-19 vaccine are being encouraged to visit a dedicated clinic this Saturday.

The three hour service aims to make a significant dent in waiting lists for the second jab as the Delta variant takes hold.

UL Hospitals Group has announced the special clinic at the Mid-West Vaccination Centre in Limerick Racecourse on Saturday morning from 9am – 12 noon.

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Anybody who has already received their first Astra Zeneca vaccine in a mid-west hospital or vaccination centre, covering north Tipp, Limerick and Clare, is asked to attend.

Those seeking to avail of the service are asked to contact a dedicated HSE helpline number beforehand for any queries, and also to signal they’ll be attending.

This helpline can be contacted on 087 9681240.

Anyone attending the clinic should bring along a photo ID and also their vaccination record card.

The UL Hospitals Group are reiterating that this clinic is only for those awaiting their second Astra Zeneca jab, and not their first.
