
Return to Town Hall for Clonmel Borough meetings

Next month’s meeting of the Clonmel Borough is set to take place in person, marking an end to the pandemic zoom council meetings.

Following the easing of restrictions this week, it looks like the November Clonmel meeting can take place in person in the Town Hall.

There will still be appropriate social distancing and possibly other measures in place, while a hybrid model of both remote and in person meetings was considered.

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Mayor of Clonmel, Michael Murphy told Tipp FM it’s been a long year and a half with online meetings, and he welcomes the move back into council chambers.

“I do want to acknowledge, look it’s been a real challenge over the past 18 months and particularly, since I became Mayor in June of this year, all our meetings to date have been virtual.

“Of course, those virtual meetings, they’re dependent upon members and their broadband connections and whatever about the cut and thrust of meetings online, you certainly can’t, you miss the cut and thrust of that physical interaction.”
