
Rent price increase by almost 8% in Tipperary

Rent prices in Tipperary are up almost 8% on last years figures

The latest rental index from Daft questions whether the Rent Pressure Zone rules are working as the average rent has reached a new high of 1200.

The latest Index shows that the average rent being paid in Tipperary per month is now 720 euro.
That is up 7.9% on last years figures.

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The average mortgage being paid per week is 447 euro while the rent being paid on an average 3 bed semi in Tipperary is 680,
meaning that it is now cheaper to pay a mortgage in the County than it is to rent.

The Index also shows that the biggest hike in rent in Tipperary is in one bedroom apartments.

Economist Ronan Lyons, who prepared the Daft report says there’s a chronic shortage of homes available to rent;

Renters are now calling for stronger penalties for landlords who break rental caps.

But there warnings that these figures can’t be taken at face value.

Eoin Dillon is an estate agent based in Nenagh.
While he acknowledges that the trend is correct, the figures given are not accurate

He also said that despite the Index showing the price of an average 3 bed semi is 680 a month – he feels it’s actually higher
