
Polls open for local and European elections & referendum

Polls are now open across the country in the local and European elections.

People will have until 10pm this evening to cast their votes in those elections – as well as a referendum on divorce.

People in Cork, Waterford and Limerick can also vote on whether to have a directly elected mayor or not.

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Though the very first votes were cast on the islands yesterday polling stations are now open across the rest of the country.

People will be faced with either three or four ballot papers depending on where you live.

One for the local elections where you mark the candidates in order of preference with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and so on.

You do the same with the European election ballot paper – these will be quite long given the number of candidates.

The ballot paper in Ireland South will be around 2 foot long to accommodate 23 candidates.

The third ballot facing everyone will be a yes no question on the divorce referendum.

It’s about whether or not to remove the waiting time for a divorce from the constitution allowing the Oireachtas to legislate, and recognising foreign divorces.

Finally people living in Cork, Limerick and Waterford will vote Yes or No on whether to have a directly elected mayor.

You need to bring ID to the polling station or you may not be allowed to vote.

People aren’t allowed to take pictures or selfies in the polling station – and you shouldn’t wear any political badges or paraphernalia to vote, or you may be asked to remove them.

Polls will be open between 7am and 10pm this evening.
