
Permission granted to test for wind-farm suitability on Tipperary/Kilkenny border

The possibility of a wind-farm on the Tipp-Kilkenny border is being examined.

Permission has been granted to carry out tests at Longfordpass Upper near Urlingford.

Bord na Móna Powergen Ltd lodged this latest planning application with Tipperary County Council last July having had a previous one deemed invalid.

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The proposals were for the erection of a guyed wind monitoring mast, with instruments, up to 100m in height at Longfordpass South on the Tipperary side of Urlingford.

This would be used to assess the suitability of the company’s adjacent lands for wind farm development.

A number of submissions opposed to the plans were received by the local authority – among the concerns expressed were issues such as its proximity to local houses, noise levels, shadow-flicker, the height of the monitoring mast and it’s visual impact.

Tipperary County Council has this week granted conditional approval for the monitoring mast.
