
Outdoor dining facilities a positive move according to Cahir café owner

The provision of outdoor seating in the heart of Cahir is proving extremely beneficial according to a local business owner.

A section of the footpath on the Square in the historic town has been widened to cater for tables and seating.

Money for project was provided through the Outdoor Infrastructure Fund.

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Karen O’Donovan from the Lazy Bean Café says it’s a very positive step.

“Thrilled to bits with it!”

“The County Council in conjunction with the Tidy Towns came to see the traders on the street and asked if we would be okay with giving up a few car parking spaces.”

“We said it would be an amazing idea because it will add to the atmosphere and it absolutely has.”

“I think it’s the way to go because when you visit a town – and especially during the summer – the first thing you look for is outdoor eating and someplace to sit outside and enjoy watching the world go by.”
