
NDP Deemed “Most UnGreen” Plan Ever

A vocal opponent of plans to the Shannon water pipeline has labelled the new National Development Plan “the most un-green” plan ever.

Nenagh-based councillor Séamie Morris was responding to the retention of the controversial pipeline in the new 165 billion euro plan announced yesterday.

The project would see water extracted from the Parteen Basin in north Tipperary, and transferred to Dublin to serve the needs of the Capital and communities along the route.

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Séamie says the inclusion of the project in the revised plan isn’t surprising:

“It’s the most un-green Development Plan ever, because how could you imagine pumping the same quantity of water from one region 170km up on pipes, through people’s land, and have it leaked almost 100 percent into the ground in Dublin.

“It doesn’t make any sense at all. But unfortunately there’s not a lot of common sense around at the moment.”
