
McGrath criticises Government Covid response

The Health Minister Stephen Donnelly’s position is untenable according to Tipp TD Mattie McGrath.

The leader of the Rural Independent Group has accused the Government of playing Russian roulette with its Covid response and broken healthcare system.

Deputy Mattie McGrath has criticised the Health Minister for what he describes as Stephen Donnelly’s monumental failure to implement a strategic, straightforward and comprehensive pandemic plan.

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The Leader of the Rural Independent Group has scathingly criticised the government’s ongoing incoherent and “sleepwalking” approach to combatting the pandemic.

The HSE has also come in for criticism from the Newcastle based Teachta Dála who says the health failure is perhaps best illustrated by the fact, that since the Executive was established in 2002, Irish hospital bed capacity has reduced by a massive 36 percent, while concurrently, overall funding increased by over 280 per cent.

Mattie McGrath says if this occurred in the private sector, heads would roll.

