
Mary Lowry cross examined for third day

Mary Lowry has denied rekindling an intimate relationship with a man on trial for the murder of her boyfriend after he went missing in June 2011.

She is being cross-examined for a third day in the trial of Patrick Quirke from Breanshamore, Co. Tipperary who denies murdering Bobby Ryan.

Mr. Quirke, a 50-year-old farmer, was the one who found the local DJ’s body in a run-off tank on Mrs. Lowry’s farm almost two years after he went missing.

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He and Mrs. Quirke had an affair after her husband died in 2007 and she met Mr. Ryan after she brought that relationship to an end.

A short time ago, she was asked about a booking under Patrick Quirke’s name for a room in The Cliffhouse hotel in Ardmore in September 2011.

The jury was told payment was made through her bank account but she said she had no recollection of staying there.
