
Lowry: HSE set on downgrading Dean Maxwell Home

It’s claimed political intervention is the only thing that can prevent the downgrading of the Dean Maxwell Nursing Home in Roscrea.

That’s the view of Deputy Michael Lowry following a meeting by Tipp Oireachtas members with HSE officials and the Health Minister.

At yesterday’s gathering HSE officials admitted that they plan to downgrade the unit from a fully-fledged nursing home to a short stay/step down unit and Day Care Centre.

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Deputy Lowry says only one thing can prevent this from happening.

“The HSE in my view after listening to them yesterday are not for turning.”

“This decision can only be reversed by political intervention. The Minister didn’t participate in the meeting – he heard both sides of the argument.”

“After the meeting I had conversation with the Minister for Older People Mary Butler and to use her expression she wasn’t convinced by the argument put forward by the HSE.”
