
Local restauranteur says red tape could scupper indoor dining plans

The devil will be in the detail in planned guidelines to resume indoor dining according to the Tipperary rep for the Restaurants Association.

Hospitality representatives were told by government officials yesterday that indoor dining could reopen for 1.8 million fully vaccinated people with a self-regulated vaccine pass system on the 19th of this month.

It was mentioned that a document or email proving vaccination against Covid-19 could be used to secure entry to indoor hospitality.

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However Joe Mulqueen who runs Andy’s Gastro Pub in Nenagh says it remains to be seen if the solutions are workable.

“It’s only a guideline and they still have to go back to them to see can our members agree that this is workable.”

“But the problem is going to be the red tape around it – are the vaccine certs that people have genuine? There’s no proper guidelines out there yet.”

“Our problem is if six people make a booking and they turn up and five people have the cert and one person doesn’t where do we stand? If they don’t have it and you have to do it right you’re going to have to turn people away. ”
