
Littleton residents concerned at impact of nearby mast.

An Bord Pleanala is being asked to allow an appeal against a telecommunications mast near the village of Littleton.

Eircom was granted permission on March 12th last for the 22 metre high structure which will carry antennas and dishes.

Local’s claim they were unaware of the proposals and as a result didn’t express their opposition during the planning process.

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Lisa Wilkin-Butler says her biggest concern relates to the visual impact rather than any possible health implications.

“My concern would be on how it would look – mainly.”

“I’m not an expert on 5G or the potential impact – there’s lots of research for and against. I wouldn’t know enough either way but I suppose there is a little bit of concern there on that side too just because of the limited bit of research that I’ve done.”

“But mainly it will be concerned with how it will visually impact on our community to be honest.”
