
Initiative to ease poverty in North Tipp launched

A new initiative to help ease food poverty in North Tipperary opens this morning.

The Nenagh Community Food Bank is a voluntary project which will run on Wednesdays and Fridays in the town.

They will also be offering stationary packs to help parents with the annual return to school costs.

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Figures released by the Society of St Vincent De Paul yesterday indicate the importance of initiatives like this to help many people still struggling both here in Tipperary and across the country to make ends meet despite a supposed boom in the Irish economy.

The charity revelead that there’s been a 20 percent hike in the numbers of parents contacting the organisation for help with back to school costs.

The Nenagh Community Food Bank – a voluntary initiative run by local woman Sandra Farrell says the service is for people from all walks of life and not just those perceived to be in extreme poverty.

She added it could help cash poor families to save money which can then be put toward rents and other bills therefore reducing the risk of homelessness.

They will also be handing out stationary packs today for students in primary, secondary and 3rd level education to help parents with those associated costs

The project is being supported by the Mid West Simon Community and its hoped the service can be extended to home delivery
