
HSE warning of Covid-19 contact tracing scam

The warning follows reports that criminals are getting in touch with people and claiming to be part of the HSE contact tracing and testing staff.

The victims are being contacted by fraudulent calls and text messages claiming that the person has been identified as a close contact of someone who has Covid-19

They then ask for money for a testing kit to be sent to them, and for bank details.

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Anybody who experiences such suspicious activity is urged to contact their local Garda station or ring HSE Live on 1850 24 1850.

The HSE is assuring the public that it does not charge the public for Covid-19 related services, including testing, and that they will never be asked for bank details by a member of staff.

Any close contacts of a confirmed positive case of Covid-19 will be contacted by phone call by the Contact Tracing Team or Public Health Staff in the HSE, and referred for a test.
