
HSE nursing homes paid more for care per person than private counterparts

HSE nursing homes in Co Tipperary are being paid 72% more to provide care per person than their private and voluntary counterparts.

Nationally, HSE nursing home fees are paid an average 66% above those payable in respect of residents in private and voluntary nursing homes.

The HSE released the fees payable to its nursing homes under the Fair Deal for January 2019 earlier this month.

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The average weekly fee paid to the four HSE nursing homes in Tipperary was €1,503 per person as of January this year.

Meanwhile the average weekly fee payable per person to the 25 private and voluntary nursing homes operating within the Premier County for the same month was €874 per person.

Private and voluntary nursing homes are required to ‘negotiate’ the fees payable to them under the Fair Deal scheme with the NTPF, acting on behalf of the State.

However Nursing Homes Ireland CEO Tadhg Daly says the fees payable to HSE nursing homes are not subject to negotiation or oversight, with the HSE being the budget-holder and payee.
