
Health watchdog finds major failings at Tipp residential centre

HIQA has found a residential centre in Tipperary to be majorly non-compliant in a number of areas.

It follows an unannounced inspection at the Daughters of Charity run centre earlier this year.

The Health Information and Quality Authority carried out its latest inspection at the St Annes Residential Services centre on June 20th this year.

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This was the 5th inspection carried out by the health watchdog and the 3rd following the issuing of notices to refuse and cancel registration of the centre that were issued by HIQA to the Daughters of Charity.

The Tipperary centre comprises of 2 community houses which can accommodate 10 residents

This was a focused inspection that specifically followed up on the progress against three outstanding actions from previous visits.

The HIQA report published today shows sustained and significant improvement had been demonstrated in the centre.

However while significant progress had been made in one house to ensure that residents lived in an environment that met their assessed needs a fully funded plan wasn’t in place to ensure this was the case for all residents.

While some key fire improvement works had been completed, a funded plan wasn’t in place to implement all of the recommendations made by a fire consultant in 2015. As a result this has now been escalated to a level of major non-compliance

The Daughters of Charity also failed to submit a fully funded plan to address ongoing non-compliances at the centre which is required to progress the registration.

HIQA says despite affording the provider with two opportunities to submit an acceptable action plan they have failed to respond satisfactorily to the major non-compliances identified.

The centre was found to be substantially compliant in relation to its workforce.
