
Gardai urge caution as snow and ice forecast for Tipperary

Motorists are being urged to drive with caution with snow expected to hit several parts of the country including Tipperary.

A snow & ice warning comes into effect from 6 o’clock this evening lasting until 4 tomorrow morning with up to 3 centimetres of snow forecast.

We’re being advised to clear frost or snow from all windows – and the roof of the vehicle – before setting off.

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Inspector Eddie Golden from the Garda Training College in Templemore says it’s vital that motorists remember that stopping distances in snow or ice are much longer than in dry conditions.

The advice for cyclists and motorcyclists in snow or icy conditions is simply not to travel or to find an alternative means of transport.

Inspector Golden says gentle manoeuvres are key in slippery conditions but has this advice for motorists who may find themselves getting into a skid.
