
Efforts drive on to upgrade N24 through Tipp

The push for an upgrade of a section of the N24 through Tipperary continues tomorrow at a meeting with Transport Minister Eamon Ryan.

Local Oireachtas members as well as Councillors from the Tipperary Municipal District will discuss the need to upgrade the N24 between Limerick Junction to Cahir and bypass Tipp Town.

Cathaoirleach of the District Councillor John Crosse says its vital that they continue the campaign

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However he has expressed concern that the upgrade of the N24 might be put on the back burner.

“Suggestions have been made around just bypassing Tipperary Town and leaving the bigger project. That would be diluting the bigger project and my fear is that if we don’t keep the Limerick Junction to Cahir project on the go when the smaller project is done that might be viewed as the Tipperary Town problem solved.”
