
Digital Hub Sought for Clonmel

With more people working from home and remote working set to increase, Clonmel Borough council are looking for a suitable premises for a digital hub in the town.

The need for this was raised by Fianna Fáil Councillor Siobhan Ambrose, who has raised the issue before.

She said that now, more than ever, a digital hub is needed, to facilitate those who cannot work from home for whatever reason.

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“I raised this about two years ago, when I first put it down as a motion and had hoped at that time that a digital hub (would happen).

“It’s all that bit more important now with Covid, because so many people are working from home.

“Some people may not have a proper office space at home, they may have small children and it’s inconvenient to work from home or some people may be trying to start up their own business.”

Cllr Ambrose was told that the Clonmel Borough are currently seeking a suitable premises for a digital hub in the town.
