
Further Covid-19 testing planned for staff at Tipp meat plant

Significant progress has been made in the containment and control of COVID-19 at the Rosderra Meat Plant in Roscrea, according to local TD Michael Lowry.

Tomorrow there will be a joint inspection of the plant by the Health & Safety Authority, the HSE and the Department of Agriculture.

Meanwhile in consultation with management at Rosderra it has been agreed that for the purpose of protecting and reassuring the workforce, a further Covid test will be carried out on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of this week.

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Deputy Lowry says the purpose of the exercise is to capture those employees who may have been incubating the virus in or around the time of the blanket test on the 24th of April.

“It’s also important to know that this is a precautionary measure and workers will be allowed to return to work. Obviously if an employee does test positive, they would be immediately put into the HSE self isolation protocol.”
