
COVID-19: 8 new cases nationally but no new cases in Tipperary for 7th evening running

3 more people with Covid 19 have died here.

8 new cases have also been announced.

The death toll from the virus is now 1,710 while there’s a total of 25,341 confirmed cases.

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In Tipperary, for the 7th evening in a row there have been no new cases diagnosed in the county, meaning that in the last two weeks, just two cases have been reported here.

This evening’s statement can be read below:

The Health Protection Surveillance Centre has today been informed that a total of 3 people with COVID-19 have died.

There have now been a total of 1,710* COVID-19 related deaths in Ireland. (*Validation of data at the HPSC has resulted in the denotification of 2 deaths. The figure of 1,710 reflects this.)

As of midnight Tuesday 16 June the HPSC has been notified of 8 confirmed cases of COVID-19. There is now a total of 25,341** confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Ireland. (Validation of data at the HPSC has resulted in the denotification of 1 confirmed case. The figure of 25,341 confirmed cases reflects this.)

The HSE is working to identify any contacts the patients may have had to provide them with information and advice to prevent further spread.

Dr. Tony Holohan, Chief Medical Officer, Department of Health, said:

“The National Public Health Emergency Team will meet tomorrow (Thursday 18 June) to continue its review of Ireland’s ongoing response and preparedness to COVID-19. NPHET’s advice in relation to rephasing of the Roadmap for Reopening Society and Business will be reviewed, in the context of ongoing suppression of the disease in the community and overall compliance with public health measures.”

Dr Ronan Glynn, Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Department of Health, said:

“Our recovery rate is at 92%. This and other indicators such as the reproductive number, hospital admissions and ICU admissions are stable or moving in the right direction. This is good news that has been achieved through the collective efforts of every person who has followed public health advice.”


Cases as on Monday 15 June

Today’s data from the HPSC, as of midnight, Monday 15 June (25,333 cases), reveals:

  • 57% are female and 43% are male
  • the median age of confirmed cases is 48 years
  • 3,278 cases (13%) have been hospitalised
  • of those hospitalised, 417 cases have been admitted to ICU
  • 8,144 cases are associated with healthcare workers
  • Dublin has the highest number of cases at 12,235 (48% of all cases) followed by Cork with 1,535 cases (6%) and then Kildare with 1,435 cases (6%)
  • of those for whom transmission status is known: community transmission accounts for 37%, close contact accounts for 60%, travel abroad accounts for 2%

Hospital statistics

Total number of cases 25,333
Total number hospitalised 3,278
Total number admitted to ICU 417
Total number of deaths 1,452
Total number of healthcare workers 8,144
Number clusters notified 981
Cases associated with clusters 10,700
Median age 48

*All statistics measured at midnight on Monday 15 June.

Gender of patients

Gender Number of cases % of total
Female 14,483 57
Male 10,820 43
Unknown 30
Total 25,333

*All statistics measured at midnight on Monday 15 June.

Age range affected

Age range Number of cases % of total
0 – 4 170 0.67
5 – 14 324 1.28
15 – 24 1874 7.4
25 – 34 4243 16.8
35 – 44 4458 17.6
45 – 54 4557 18
55 – 64 3238 12.8
65 – 74 1800 7.11
75 – 84 2286 9
85+ 2360 9.3
Unknown 23 0.1

*All statistics measured at midnight on Monday 15 June.

How COVID-19 is spreading

Community transmission 37.15%
Close contact with confirmed case 60.49%
Travel abroad 2.3%

*All statistics measured at midnight on Monday 15 June.


In the event that a person tests positive for COVID-19 and hasn’t been abroad or had contact with another confirmed case in Ireland, that’s known as community transmission.

In the event that a person who tests positive for COVID-19 can be linked to another confirmed case in Ireland, that’s known as close contact.

Hospitalised cases by age group

Age range Number of cases % of total
0 – 4 21 0.6
5 – 14 16 0.5
15 – 24 70 2.1
25 – 34 199 6.1
35 – 44 262 8
45 – 54 444 13.5
55 – 64 487 14.9
65 – 74 576 17.6
75 – 84 734 22.4
85+ 467 14.3
Unknown 2 0.1

*All statistics measured at midnight on Monday 15 June.

Cases by county

Note: The Health Protection Surveillance Centre have advised that in the process of validating data and reviewing addresses, cases may be reassigned to another county.

County Number of cases % of total
Carlow 171 0.7
Cavan 859 3.4
Clare 369 1.5
Cork 1535 6.1
Donegal 470 1.9
Dublin 12235 48.3
Galway 486 1.9
Kerry 308 1.2
Kildare 1435 5.7
Kilkenny 350 1.4
Laois 264 1
Leitrim 84 0.3
Limerick 584 2.3
Longford 285 1.1
Louth 778 3.1
Mayo 572 2.3
Meath 806 3.2
Monaghan 536 2.1
Offaly 481 1.9
Roscommon 343 1.4
Sligo 129 0.5
Tipperary 541 2.1
Waterford 154 0.6
Westmeath 670 2.6
Wexford 216 0.9
Wicklow 672 2.7

*All statistics measured at midnight on Monday 15 June.
