
Clonmel Clinical Psychologist offers advice on dealing with worry during current crisis

A Clonmel based Clinical Psychologist is encouraging us to deal with our worries during the Corvid-19 outbreak.

Aine Herlihy is part of the South East Community Healthcare’s South Tipp Primary Care services team.

She says as we are all worried at this time, it is helpful to break them up into real worries versus hypothetical ones.

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Aine suggests creating a “worry tree” to help deal with our concerns:

“At the top of the worry tree, make a list of all your worries that are concerning you at the time. And then you decide is this an actual worry?

“If so, you can put a plan in place: what am I going to do? When am I going to do it? And how am I going to do it? And then you release that worry.

“If, on the other hand, you notice that it’s a hypothetical worry, it’s more about labeling it as a worry, releasing it as a worry and focusing your attention back to the pressent moment.”

Aine’s suggestions can be viewed here.
