
Cllr Richie Molloy calls for sensory garden in Clonmel

Tipperary County Council will investigate if a sensory garden for Clonmel is possible.

Councillor Richie Molloy has been calling for this since funding of 1 million euro was announced by Minister Anne Rabbitte.

At this week’s Clonmel Borough meeting, he called for the garden to be located off the Blueway, but was told by the engineer this wasn’t feasible.

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Two possible locations were put forward and Councillor Molloy told Tipp FM that he welcomes feedback from the public with suggestions:

“Since I first called for a sensory garden to be put somewhere within the Clonmel area, I’ve had a lot of people saying it would be an excellent idea, and certainly when people visit the one in Cahir, they can see the need for a sensory garden and how many people use the one there.

“So, I was heartened by the engineer’s response in that he’s willing to meet with a number of people that are interested and myself and we’re looking at either Mulcahy Park or Denis Burke Park and I’d certainly say to listeners if they have suggestions for where the sensory park could be put.”
