
All churches in Tipperary to close


Following the statement by An Taoiseach on 27 March, that from Midnight 28th, until Easter Sunday, 12 April, everyone must now stay at home at all times, except for specific circumstances, all churches will now close.

Fr Michael Toomey SS Peter & Paul’s Clonmel has issued the following statement:

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With this request, and with instructions from the bishops of the Cashel province, our churches will now be closed at all times until at least April 12. Masses will still be said in the church by the priest himself, and we will be planning for our Holy Week and Easter Triduum ceremonies in the coming days, which will be live-streamed and available on 107.9FM.

All Baptisms and Weddings are postponed, and there will be no First Friday or house calls at this time. We will continue to give pastoral ministry through telephone, and I can be contacted on the parish landline on 052-6122138

The practice of an act of Spiritual Communion is recommended to all who cannot receive the Eucharist.

Funerals will take place, and the government guidance to Archbishop Diarmuid Martin at this point is that the arrangements hitherto in place continue: funerals with small attendance of no more than 25 only and safe distancing.

As regard funeral services, with this instruction and after further clarification and discussion with the Funeral Directors, the following is to be observed:

There should be no gatherings in the funeral home or outside the church.

There should be no procession from the funeral home to the church, or to the cemetery through the town.

Only the very immediate family should attend the funeral in the church, and the cemetry.

There can be no gatherings of anyone in a crematorium.

Further guidance will come on Monday from the government.

At a later date, memorial Masses may be said for family and friends to gather.

These are very important decisions which have to be out in place for the foreseeable future.

The Taoiseach said the new restrictions are radical actions aimed at saving as many people’s lives as possible.

As difficult as these new measures are, we all have to come and support one another in all aspects of our lives.

I want to assure you all that I and all my brother priests are praying for everyone at this time. I am so comforted by the wonderful community spirit I am witnessing, all Good Samaritans in their own right, and I commend all on the frontline, especially our medical and emergency teams, and all still providing vital services in retail, utilities and so many others to the care of Mary, mother of God.

Keep safe, stay indoors, and may almighty God bless us, and keep,us safe.

SS Peter & Paul’s can be accessed 24/7 on livestream: and on 107.9 FM
St Mary’s can be accesses on and 106.5FM
