
Calls for Sinn Fein and DUP to engage over restoring Stormont assembly

Police in the North are questioning a 57 year old woman in connection with Lyra McKee’s murder.

She was arrested under the UK’s Terrorism Act after the journalist was shot dead while covering riots in Derry on Thursday night.

Meanwhile, a former Fine Gael MEP has called on Sinn Féin and the DUP to work together on restoring power sharing in the North.

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The New IRA says it was behind the killing of Lyra McKee and has offered its “full and sincere apologies” to her partner, friends and family.

The group says it had been aiming to target police – and has told it’s volunteers to be more careful in future.

But Lyra’s friend – Tina Calder – says the apology just doesn’t cut it:

Meanwhile, there are calls from a former Northern Ireland politician for Sinn Féin and the DUP to agree to talks on restoring power sharing in the North.

Former Fine Gael MEP and former Alliance Party of Northern Ireland leader John Cushnahan wrote a letter to the Irish Examiner yesterday in light of Lyra McKee’s murder, where he talks about how little has changed in the North.

He also called on Sinn Fein and the DUP to come together to resolve differences and resume the Stormont assembly.

Carrick-on-Suir based Sinn Fein Cllr David Dunne has wholeheartedly condemned the attack on Lyra McKee, and the group behind it.

However, he says Theresa May’s Conservative party wouldn’t take kindly to having Sinn Fein telling them how to run the country.
