
Call for bins in Littleton and Gortnahoe to be emptied more often

A Littleton Councillor has called for a better waste removal service for the public bins in Littleton and Gortnahoe.

Councillor Sean Ryan told this week’s Thurles Municipal District meeting that the bins are often overflowing and this is a particular concern during a pandemic.

One of the bins is outside a school and the fear of encountering potentially contaminated masks or other materials is a worry for parents.

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Councillor Ryan told Tipp FM that he hopes the council will now rectify this issue.

“Public bins not being emptied outside the school in Littleton and on the main street in Gortnahoe.

“In Littleton, it was raised with me by a number of parents who were very, very concerned about it.

“I’ve raised it with the district and I’ve asked that the matter be looked into.

“In the interim, I’ve actually had to empty the bin myself outside the school in Littleton, such has been the overflow from it.

“Parents are particularly concerned given the times were in, given the concerns about Covid and any material coming out from it.”
