
Call for action to be taken against those involved in attack on local fire crews

Gardaí had to be called to protect local fire crews dealing with bonfires over the weekend.

Incidents were reported in a number of locations across the county on Saturday night including Thurles, Cashel and Roscrea.

Rocks and bottles were thrown at personnel in Thurles on Saturday night with damage caused to a fire tender

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A local Councillor has expressed his horror at the incident.

Independent Jim Ryan says residents and fire crews were subjected to a horrific ordeal on Saturday night.

“I’m still in shock and still angered over what happened – a lot of residents basically trapped in their own homes with a roadway blocked.”

“Fireworks being thrown at cars as they passed, a bonfire lit and the shocking situation of our brave fire crews going out to that particular housing estate and being attacked by thugs who threw rocks at them.”

Councillor Ryan is calling for the full rigours of the law to be applied to those involved in attacks on fire crews across the county over the weekend.

“This should not happen to them – it should not be swept under the carpet and really serious action needs to be taken.”
