
Bogus callers in Cashel area

Gardaí are warning people in Tipperary to be cautious about handing over money for works being carried out on their homes.

It follows an incident in the Cashel area in recent days.

Sgt Ray Moloney from Cahir Garda Station outlines what happened and gives some advice on how to deal with bogus operators.

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“The lady was approached by people offering to power-wash her yard. She felt under pressure to pay them immediately and when she handed over the cash she noticed that the job was half done.”

“So again we’re appealing to people that if you do find that there is someone calling to your door, get their details and perhaps contact your local Garda station and ask them to verify that these people are bona-fide operators.”

Gardaí are examining CCTV footage in a bid to local these bogus operators.

Sgt Moloney says scam-artists are an ongoing issue across the country.

“There were reports across the country that there were some people who were offering services of fumigating premises in terms of Covid. I can’t say that the incidents have increased however – they’re just there.”

“There are definitely people out there trying to scam others and trying to take advantage of the vulnerability that people have been experiencing in their own homes in recent times.”
