
Bishop Monahan: I am humbly sorry

The Bishop of Killaloe has apologised to all who suffered in the Mother and Baby Homes.

Bishop Fintan Monahan has greeted the Commission of Investigation report with sorrow, sadness, shame and deep regret.

The Bishop said he hopes the publication of the Mother and Baby Homes report will be of some help to the survivors of the many institutions involved and that in revealing the truth it will begin a process of healing.

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There were two Mother and Baby Homes in the Diocese of Killaloe: Sean Ross Abbey in Roscrea which operated from 1931 to 1969 and another home in Kilrush.

In a statement Bishop Monahan humbly says sorry to all who suffered as outlined in the report.

It goes on to say “for the degradation caused, I am sorry; for the suffering inflicted, I am sorry; for the failure of the Church to demonstrate its commitment to the sacredness of human life, I am truly sorry.”

The Bishop says the mothers and their children in these homes and that they were let down by the Church and State .

Bishop Monahan says if anyone affected by any issues arising from the report would like to meet with him or any Church personnel they are welcome to make contact through the diocesan Office in Ennis.
