
Arrest following Cork death

Gardai have arrested a 26 year old man in connection with the death of woman in the city earlier this year.

Amy McCarthy’s body was discovered in a vacant office block on Shears Street in the city on the 30th of April.

Paramedics were called to the premises near the Mercy University Hospital at around 7.00 am, after they were alerted by a man in the building who tried to wake Ms McCarthy.

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The 22 year old was pronounced dead at the scene.

It emerged that Gardaí were awaiting the results of certain toxicology tests on blood samples taken from the young mother before they decided what course their investigation would take.

It’s understood that Gardaí received the results of these tests in recent weeks and moved to arrest a 26 year old man in the Midlands this morning, who would have been known to Ms McCarthy.

He was arrested under Section 4 of the Criminal Justice Act and has been taken to the Bridewell Garda station in the city where he can be held for up to 24 hours.
