
More than 7,000 sign petition to save St Brigid’s Hospital in Carrick-on-Suir

More than 7,000 people have signed a petition to keep St Brigid’s Hospital in Carrick-on-Suir open.

Volunteers with the Save St Brigid’s Action Group have been calling door to door as they prepare to head to the Dáil this day next week.

One of those involved, Dean McGrath says they’ve been trying for some time to arrange a meeting with Junior Minister Mary Butler.

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And they were surprised to hear she met with those involved in a similar campaign in Roscrea recently:

“It’s just the difference in how she approached the lads in Roscrea compared to how she dealt with the closure of St Brigid’s.

“From the people of Carrick to Piltown, to Fiddown, to Portlaw, to Clonea Power, to Rathgormack, they feel forgotten. They feel disrespected and they feel ultimately just so sad about the service closure.”

Continuing, Dean told Fran Curry that they have asked all TDs in the district to meet them when they reach government buildings next week:

“Well, we’ve written to all the TDs. We’ve asked them all to come out. We’ve said we’re coming, we’re bringing this petition.

“This is not just for Tipperary. For the TDs in Kilkenny and Waterford, this is also your people who have signed this petition.

“We would especially like Minister Butler to come out and meet us, as I’ve said. There will be no harranging, it will all be incredibly civil.

“We want to make our case. She hasn’t met us and we would like to meet her. We have invited everybody out to meet us.”
