
More than 2,500 listed buildings in Tipperary

A review of the listed buildings in Tipperary will be complete by February of next year.

Councillors in the Nenagh District are concerned that some of the listings were unnecessary.

The cost of purchasing, improving and maintaining listed buildings is causing undue financial strain for property owners and buyers across Tipperary.

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This is putting a financial and administrative burden on home-owners and potential buyers, who cannot afford to do the approved works.

There are currently 2,500 listed buildings in both North and South Tipperary and it is hoped that the review will bring this number down.

Councillor Michael O’Meara told Tipp FM that while some of the listings are warranted, others are not.

He is hopeful that the review will address this and open up the market for people to buy these properties.

Cathaoirleach of Nenagh Municipal District, Joe Hannigan told Tipp FM that carrying out works on a listed building can be very expensive and some of these buildings are falling into states of ruin or dereliction because of this.
