
142 long stay beds planned for Tipp

The HSE has outlined its plans for long stay residential beds in Cashel and Clonmel.

It follows a review by the Executive of existing services in South Tipp in a bid to satisfy HIQA Environmental Standards which are currently not being met.

A total of 142 long stay beds will be provided in South Tipperary under the HSE’s latest plan for Clonmel and Cashel.

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92 will be retained at St Patricks Hospital in Cashel with 50 planned for a green field site at St Anthony’s in Clonmel.

The Health Service Executive says the provision of 29 additional beds in Clonmel would avoid a situation whereby individuals initially admitted to Saint Patricks in Cashel are transferred to Saint Anthony’s when a bed becomes available.

Deputy Michael Lowry says the plans provide a balanced approach.

The proposals still have to get full approval before the public-private partnership project proceeds to the planning stage.

It’s likely to take at least 3 years before the units open.
