
HSE urge extra vigilance with spread of Delta variant

As the number of Covid 19 cases continues to rise, particularly with the new Delta variant, the HSE are urging people to keep following public health advice.

The typical symptoms of Covid 19 are cough, fever and shortness of breath.

With the new Delta variant, people are also reporting a headache, sore throat, feeling a bit flu like and having no temperature.

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Director of the HSE South East Public Health Department, Dr Carmel Mullaney urged people who have any of the symptoms to get tested and to not mix with others until they have a negative result.

She told Tipp FM News that being outside is safer, but that public health guidelines still need to be adhered to.

“Outdoors is much safer than indoors, that’s a general rule, but in fact, if people are in close quarters, not wearing masks – transmission of the virus can still occur.

“Just to be aware of that, particularly around older people, vulnerable people or people who aren’t vaccinated.

“It’s not time to drop the mask wearing at this point and with any gathering, if people are not fully vaccinated, they should be staying 2 metres apart and wearing masks – I know that seems very unlikely to happen.”

Speaking about transmission of the virus from those who are fully vaccinated, Dr Mullaney said that cases are rare, but they can occur.

“I think the far greater risk is from the majority of people in Ireland, who are not fully vaccinated or who may have been partly vaccinated.

“The risk is far more from people who are unvaccinated and for people who are unvaccinated.”

When asked how those who are fully vaccinated should behave at gatherings or events, she had this advice;

“For everybody to keep with the guidelines that are there – wearing masks particularly when in indoor settings, avoiding crowded, closed indoor spaces. It’s much much safer to be outdoors than indoors.”
