
Survey takes place to decide on future of Cloughjordan’s Old Mill

People in Cloughjordan and further afield are being asked to give their thoughts on what should be done with the village’s Old Mill.

As part of an ongoing feasibility study into the restoration of the historic mill, a community survey is taking place this month to find out what people would like to see in the building.

Group Organiser of the Mill Project, Helen Costello, is pleased with the feedback they’ve received so far.

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She’s encouraging people around Cloughjordan and Tipperary in general to give their thoughts:

“You can come in and sit down and it’s a community space but within that community space there’s access to these computers, there’s access to these ongoing classes and the classes would be anything from painting to computers to whatever it is that you would like to do.

“We need to know what you want to do.”

Survey can be found here.
