
Case against Newport resident for misappropriating funds adjourned

The former chief executive of Bóthar has admitted misappropriating funds from the charity.

David Moloney from Newport in North Tipperary, retired as chief executive in February after eight years in the position.

He has admitted to misappropriating hundreds of thousands of Euro in cash that the charity claimed went to nuns who work with the poor in Tanzania.

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Despite initial denials of any wrongdoing, David Moloney now admits that he got €36,000 from money that went to an English company

During Moloney’s time in charge, cash bonuses were paid to some staff at Christmas.

These payments occurred without the knowledge or consent of the board of Bóthar.

Bogus expenditure on charitable causes were used to justify the cash withdrawals that went to the staff.

The matter is now before the courts.

The allegations against Mr Moloney of Clino, Newport include that Bóthar funded a €10,000 hay shed on a farm he owns.

He told the court he is now living on social welfare disability allowance and has to pay a mortgage and car loans.

He and his wife have two young children.

David Moloney has promised to make restitution with his sizable pension, an offer which both sides are now discussing.

Mr Justice Allen directed that the freezing order against Mr Moloney’s assets be increased and that he swear a statement as to what Bóthar money was taken and his current assets by May 4th.

He is also ordered to identify any third parties involved.

The case has been adjourned to June 2nd
