
Green Light for Upperchurch Wind Farm Project

An Bord Pleanála has granted permission for the Upperchurch Wind Farm project to be connected to the national grid.

It’s seen as potentially the final hurdle cleared for the 22 turbine project, which has gone through a protracted planning phase over the last decade due to local opposition.

Fianna Fáil TD Jackie Cahill says the An Bord Pleanála ruling will allow for a connection to the grid at a substation near Newport.

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“Over 50 families will benefit from this development in the Upperchurch area. This will be as good as a small industry for this very rural area. I’m delighted with the news it’s going ahead.

“Alternative energy is something we have to do in this country. And this shows the way rural Ireland can benefit from these alternative energy strategies. While this has been a long time in coming, this is a very significant day for the Upperchurch community.”
