
Christmas shoppers in Tipperary urged to continue adhering to Covid-19 restrictions

Christmas shoppers in Tipperary this weekend are being urged to continue adhering to Covid-19 restrictions.

Nenagh Superintendent Eddie Golden is making the plea, saying that a balance needs to be struck between enjoying the Christmas atmosphere on the streets, and containing the spread of Covid-19.

People in the county are being urged to shop local, but to protect themselves and others from spreading the disease.

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Superintendent Golden says people should consider the ‘Three C’s’ at all times:

“Try not get into crowded places when you’re shopping and make sure that close contact situations, try avoid those.

“Obviously wear your mask at all times now, that’s the advice and again, confined spaces that have no ventilation, be mindful of that.

“Take control of the situation and pull yourself out of those close contact situations and that will help everybody to be safe this Christmas.”
