
Lack of Day Care services impacting on Tipperary Carers

Covid-19 has had a huge yet unseen impact on Carer’s across the country according to the manager of the Tipperary branch of Family Carer’s Ireland.

Latest figures from the Central Statistics Office show there are more than half a million people in Ireland over the age of 15 acting as Carer’s.

The numbers have increased by an estimated 160,000 during the pandemic.

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Richie Molloy says the Covid-19 pandemic has impacted on some key services.

“Day care services are still closed and there’s no talk whatsoever about when it’s likely to resume.”

“The misfortunate thing there is it was mainly elderly people that were going to day-care and it was giving a great break to the family carer at home.”

“But because there’s no one to speak up for the people that were using the day care services you hardly ever hear it mentioned. I’m continually calling on our Oireachtas members to keep pushing the fact that there is no day care service available.”
