
Marked increase in rubbish during lockdown

Tidy Town Groups across Tipperary are still doing their best continue their efforts despite the Covid-19 pandemic.

The competition will go ahead in 2021 following the decision to cancel this years event due to the virus.

However the pandemic has added to the problems with face masks being discarded. These combined with disposable coffee cups are becoming a regular sight along our roadsides.

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Denis Floyd from the Birdhill Tidy Towns group says there has been a marked increase in people discarding rubbish.

“Well I suppose it has become a part of our lives now at this stage and maybe people take Tidy Town volunteers for granted.”

“But the fact that you see so much litter now on the roadsides and in our villages I suppose is a reflection on our society and the fact that we are so dependent on Tidy Towns volunteers that it is picked up.”
