
Gardaí back proposals for CCTV system in Borrisokane

Steady progress is being made in developing a crime prevention CCTV system for Borrisokane.

Such a scheme has been approved for the town by the Tipperary Joint Policing Committee, but a number of further administrative hurdles need to be jumped including receiving approval from the Garda Commissioner.

A sponsor for the Borrisokane scheme has been sourced however, and it’s hoped that CCTV could be introduced at some point next year.

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Local Fine Gael councillor Ger Darcy raised the issue at the Joint Policing Committee.

“It’s a very long and convoluted and slow process but we’ve been steady progress over the last weeks and months. The most recent was to have it passed by the Tipperary JPC last week of which I’m a member.”

“It was supported by Chief Superintendent Derek Smart who was very enthusiastic about the scheme going ahead.”
