
Garda recruits to be assigned to frontline duties during lockdown

The national 14-day incidence rate per 100,000 is now 291 – while Cavan’s is in excess of 1,000.

Tipperary still has the lowest incidence rate of any county at 116.6

The extension of Operation Fanacht will see Gardaí continue their policy of policing by consent with enforcement only being used as a last resort.

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The release of students and staff from the Garda Training College in Templemore from November 2nd will also allow up to 260 extra members be drafted in to police checkpoints and provide extra community patrols.

Gardaí say that at any one time over the next six weeks they’ll have over 2,500 officers on duty

They’ will also available for vulnerable people in the community who may need extra assistance during the increased restrictions.
