
Cycle Safety Training Course planned by Cahir Gardaí

With National Bike Week in full swing Gardaí in Cahir have organised a cycle safety training programme for this weekend.

It takes place on Sunday next and is open to everyone – all you need is a well maintained bicycle, a helmet and appropriate clothing.

It takes place at the Cahir Day Care Centre this Sunday and will cover the basics needed to take to the road.

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Sergeant Ray Moloney from the Community Policing Unit in Cahir outlined what’s planned for the day.

“It starts at 12 o’clock. It begins with an informal address in relation to what we do ever before we sit on the bike – how do we get on and off the bike, emergency stopping and cycling in a controlled environment.

“Then we’ll look at cycling in traffic where Gardaí will provide an escort for a supervised cycle around the town.”

“We’ll look at cyclists coming to junctions, their positioning on the roads, shoulder checks, signaling and other little tips to ensure their safety on the roads.”

Each session will take about an hour.

Those wishing to take part can email
